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What´s ValoraPyme?
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Our Services

Buyers: ValoraPyme, through the platform integrated in the portal network, allows those interested in purchasing an specific type of business or firm, to fill in the buyers´registration form in order to contact with sellers of other firms that might be of interest.

Sellers: ValoraPyme helps sellers find a suitable firm for the sale and also helps in finding the optimum selling price trough an appropiate business valuation.

Firm Valuation: ValoraPyme values firms trough the different systems that are commonly accepted. It values all kinds of firms and companies of the different economic sectors, using the most modern and leading tools available in the market and relying on a highly qualified professional team, with a large experience in this sector.

Buying and Selling Firms: ValoraPyme also connects buyers and sellers of companies of all kinds and sizes, with base in Spain or abroad, helping in this way to the international expansion of Spanish firms and also allowing foreign companies´ investment in Spain.

Mergers and Divisions: ValoraPyme carries out all the merger process, from the preliminary study to the final success, establishing the appropriate equations of exchange, increase capital, whether from the financial point of view or tax and commercial transactions, etc.

Due Diligence: ValoraPyme is also in charge of the services derived from the Due Diligence for acquiring firms, carrying out all the necessary areas for the correct success of the process.

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